Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Too Many Projects

Been too long since I posted here! The Kindle free promotion went well! Over 800 copies were downloaded for free. Hope some of those people actually read the book!

I hope to get back to work on The Treasure of Castle Crabapple soon. At the moment, I am working frantically on Aji's Quest, so that there will be enough pages to tide Tiger's Mouth over while I do NaNoWriMo

Ordinarily I would not take part in National November Writing Month (where you try to crank out a complete new book in one month) when I have so many important projects already in the works, except that next year's Summer Reading Program has an underground theme which would go perfectly with a book idea I've had for some time. And if I'm motivated to crank it out in a month (mostly) I might be able to have it ready to sell before next Summer.

The Night Library: When Madeline tries to get herself locked in the library overnight, she has no idea what she is in for! She is found by the Night Librarian, who hauls her off to the book mines, to spend the rest of her life digging in the search for a gem of a novel.